April 1st 2020

Abortion or miscarriage is the termination of a pregnancy before 6 months. There are 3 types of abortion: spontaneous abortion, induced abortion or abortion and therapeutic abortion.

Abortion or miscarriage is the termination of a pregnancy before 6 months. There are 3 types of abortion: spontaneous abortion, induced abortion or abortion and therapeutic abortion. In cases of spontaneous abortion, the patient experiences bleeding and pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Obviously, the 3 types have different causes:

Spontaneous miscarriages. These are early, before 3 months or late after 3 months. The most frequent causes are: genetic or chromosomal, hormonal, infectious in early FCS. In late arrivals, these are often mechanical causes: open bite of the cervix, fibroids, uterine malformations. The treatments are above all preventive: looking for infections before and in early pregnancy and their treatment; ovulation stimulation, hormone therapy; strapping for late FCS and especially rest. Curative treatments consist of uterine revision by aspiration or curettage, prevention of infection and hemorrhages.

Induced abortions. These are voluntary terminations of pregnancies, authorized in some countries and prohibited in others. In all cases, these acts must be medicalized and surrounded by all security to preserve the life of the woman and especially to avoid the complications of clandestine abortions which are: hemorrhages, infections and infertility or sterility. The most used medical techniques are aspiration of the egg before 3 months of pregnancy. Abortive tablets are also used more and more, but clinical and ultrasound monitoring is necessary for a few days. It is always desirable to accompany such gestures with a proposal for contraception.

Therapeutic abortion. It concerns cases of lethal fetal malformations or serious illnesses such as certain cancers or life-threatening illnesses of the mother. It is then a question of causing an abortion or a premature birth. The techniques are those of abortion or induction of childbirth. Tablets or gels are easily used, which cause contractions and anesthetics to limit pain. In case of fetal malformations, a cause will be investigated to prevent a recurrence. Short contraception may be advised for a few months.